I watch a lot of films these days. Films which you watch, you should watch & films which I watch & most people wouldn’t watch, terming them a flop. I download a hell lot of movies utilizing my broadband bandwidth to the fullest. I would like to give short reviews for some of the films that were worth mentioning for reasons good or bad. I’m not a professional movie reviewer but just another movie buff. I like watching movies for sake of enjoying! So here goes my reviews :
Now this is a film which came and went by. Nobody noticed. A box office flop! Sure it is but I watched it (at home of course). This is a story of three jawans and their families. The jawans were killed in the Kargil battle and the film shows how the families of these jawans live after 3 years of the jawans’ death. Now why would some director/producer like to make a film on Kargil war! Not that this film shows the war in any way. Still, why would they make this film after so many years. Isn’t it a bit too late for these kind of films?!! No doubt it’s a different kind of approach to the life of a jawan. But people don’t like such celluloid dramas; they would rather watch serials at home! A few things worth mentioning in this film : Salman Khan and Priety Zinta’s Punjabi was top notch, sunny deol’s knuckles were top notch and , sohail khan’s kite flying skills were top notch! Okay now imagine this situation, sunny deol is handicapped and he his limbs are paralyzed. He has to be on his wheelchair most of the time. Yes “most”, not when a bunch of hooligans are trying to dance with his girlfriend! Oops pooh pooh these hooligans. Wooing Sunny Deol’s girlfriend in a film? You have got to be kidding! So when these half a dozen party goers challenge Sunny paaji, he has to say “sab ek saath aana, ek ek karke aaoge to pit jaoge”! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Now here’s a scene from the fight sequence. What you can see is that sunny paaji is punching floor tiles and they are cracking like glass plates! Now where have I seen that before? Did someone say “hulk”?? Oops! So finally Sunny paaji does beat the hell out of these poor stuntmen even when they came as a bunch! Duh! Yes I did watch the whole film. It was worth watching. However I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone unless he/she has nothing to do like me.
James Bond – Quantum of Solace

What are the five things that come to our mind when we think about the 007? A gun, martini (shaken not stirred), cars, women & style quotient! This film had the first three but the fifth was missing somewhere. Even the fourth (Olga Kurylenko and Gemma Arterton) weren’t really eye popping. The first scene itself is a car chase sequence. The film has lots of actions. May be that’s why some people didn’t like this film. Also another reason could be that some people couldn’t understand the film in the first place. They had no idea of what’s going on. I and my friend had to discuss the events during the 1st part at regular intervals to understand what was going on. This is a film for all Bond maniacs and Daniel Craig fans. This blonde bond has something in him. I have seen him in Munich and Road to Perdition. He is a real gem of an actor. But I guess 007 needs more than that. The action sequences done by Daniel were superb. At one time I was feeling as if I was watching Spiderman! Go and watch this film if you watch Bond films.
The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

As Brenden Fraser was told “You guys are a Mummy magnet”. He may not be a mummy magnet but he sure is a mummy film magnet! I'm a fan of the first two films, The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. They were simply awesome to watch with all the realistic special effects. Coming to this film, it lacked everything that was there in the first two films except the few common actors and the mummy factor. This film has three awesome looking Yetis. I came to know about the living snowman from Tintin in Tibet long back when I was a kid. The Yetis did a wonderful job in this film. Wish the humans would have done better. Michele Yeoh was a complete bore in this film. Special effects were good but not jaw dropping. The terracotta army was given a detailed expressive look. The three headed dragon was a bore. It rarely spewed flames, and whenever it did, it had no effect on our heroes. No doubt it was termed a box office dumb squib. I think you better watch your “mummy” cook in the kitchen rather than getting a bad taste of this mummy film!
The Downfall

This is a German film based on the fall of Hitler and his Nazi regime. I was recommended to watch this film by Atanu, and I wasn’t disappointed a bit. The film is a marvelous drama portraying the last few days on Hitler and his close associates in the bunker while the Russian Red Army was marching into Berlin. Everything in the film was detailed portrayal of the life of the vegetarian, teetotaler Nazi ruler. The film shows how he tried his level best in the last days of the war to order troops and regiments which existed only on paper. The film doesn’t glorify his deeds nor does it slander him. Some raw facts were dramatized as narrated by a personal assistant of Hitler recruited in the last days of the war. This is a must watch movie. There will be subtitles of course to assist you.
I have one question regarding Hitler. This does not relate to the film. Subhash Chandra Bose is rumoured to have close ties with Hitler and the Nazi regime during the hay days of the World War II. Bose as we know is a communist and Hitler had thorough abhorrence for Communists. Then why did the Nazi regime entertain Bose in the first place? Was it just because Bose was fighting against the British? Logic fails to give me an answer out here. May be I’m not thorough with the history. Can someone enlighten me?
I missed the October month completely. I will try to compensate in this month. A post on F1 is long overdue.
~Lots of love~
Ok....I go serially
U not only utilize ur broadband bandwidth but also share it generously;wish only ur USB port worked a little faster.
Heroes-I heard that it was atleast watchable but dont know really.Now that the GREAT DEBANKAR has spoken i will definately have second thoughts.
And the sunny paaji sceane is an old scene;almost every second movie of him has a scene or two like that.I only hope Preity Zinta was good;she is one of the few actors who try to go out of the box.
QoS-James Bond is not a film to be watched for substance or good acting.Its a movie simply know for its style and accessories.Daniel Craig is overperformer for such roles.
Mummy-Overstreatching the golden goose...it should have stopped at mummy returns of should have made a full fledged francise like James Bond.
actually i like the different side of a war story shown in the film Heroes. but then its a bit too late to release this film. or at least thats wat i think. these kinds of films shud b served when the topic is hot! or else it wud bomb in the box office ... as was the case with this film.
about QoS... its a nice film. and daniel craig is a great actor. but Bond needs more...
i agree fully with watever u said abt this mummy film!
Downfall-I heard it from my friend Dibbendhu,who is a med student and a very much non-typical bengali;
Its a wonderfull movie;execellent realistic portrayal and gripping reality.Only if the subtitles were complete.Sometimes u see characters are mumbling something which looks very intregal to the plot but it doesn't show on the subtitle;Another problem is its format;MKV format doesnt play well in most players,but thats different field.
But the portrayal of Adolf Hitler is very realistic;in the last days he doesnt even cares about the people,busy manuovering non-existent armies.
A better understanding was only possible after reading this.
i ve watched only 1 movie out of the 4, which unfortunately happens to be the worst one in the lot ... the mummy - tomb of the dragon emperor .... completely agree with debankar ... that s one very disappointing movie .. felt like i was watching some cheap comedy ...
well, debankar .. dont forget the "1 post per month " promise ... looking forward to reading more frm u soon :)
The fact is, it is highly unlikely that Subhas Bose had too much of direct contact with Adolf Hitler himself. Let's not forget Hitler was not the only man is his government that ran such campaigns as backing people who are enemies of the enemies of the Germans. Such a person may have favored the Germans in helping Bose for the above stated reason.
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